GSoC 2014 selection

I have been selected for this year’s Google Summer of Code. I will be coding for Monkey project.

Monkey project is a lightweight and powerful web server and development stack for GNU/Linux. It has been designed to be very scalable with low memory and CPU consumption, the perfect solution for embedded devices. Made for ARM, x86 and x64.

My project is Raspberry Pi Dashboard. I will be coding a REST api interface using Duda IO, to access various hardware features of Raspberry Pi, such as CPU and memory usage, GPIO, etc. Additionally I will also make a javascript library around the interface and a dashboard to control your Raspberry Pi. The dashboard will be created using AngularJS and Bootstrap. Documentation is an important part of my project, so everything will be well documented.

I will be posting regular updates on this site.

I am really excited to have been accepted to GSoC and to be working on this very interesting project.


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